What are the Signs Your Dog Imprinted on You?
As pet parents, we all want to be the apple of our dog’s eyes.
But how can you tell your dog is as attached to you as you are to them? Is it the sweet head tilt, their soulful stare of love, or is it actually just curiosity or confusion? Are they following you everywhere out of attachment, or because you have the treats they love?
Noticing the signs of dog imprinting can be difficult if you don’t fully understand what to look out for or what imprinting even means. So, let’s break it down together - understand the common tale-tell signs that your dog is truly and totally devoted to you.
Spoiler alert! They probably are!
9 Common Signs, Your Dog Imprinted on You.
1. They maintain eye contact.
Maintaining eye contact is a key element in efficient communication for humans. But the same rule applies in the dog world, too. Seeking or maintaining eye contact is a sign that your dog trusts you and is comfortable and safe around you.
The soulful gaze they give you is also their doggy way of saying, “I love you!”. Plus, studies have shown that when your dog gazes into your eyes, oxytocin, “the love hormone,” is released in both of you. This will help you and your furry companion grow even closer.
2. They love to sleep close to you.
Have you ever seen puppies cuddle? Then you’ve seen how they love to sleep huddled together next to their mom.
This isn’t just for warmth but also for protection. Dogs feel most vulnerable in their sleep since their senses aren’t on high alert. So, for your dog to cuddle up next to you and sleep soundly is a true sign that they trust you. Your presence signifies warmth and safety.
3. They’re your furry shadow.
If your furry friend loves to follow you everywhere - even the bathroom - it’s a sign that your dog has imprinted on you. You’ll also notice that they’ll often try seeking physical contact, like leaning against you or placing their paws on your lap. It’s because they feel good and safe around you and enjoy being in your company.
So, don’t be annoyed the next time your doggo follows you into the bathroom. They’re just trying to tell you, “Hey, you’re my favorite person!” But be careful to keep this endearing gesture from turning into over-attachment and separation anxiety.
4. They mirror everything you do
You know those cute videos on social media where a dog is doing yoga with its owner? It’s not always just a neat trick, but it could be a sign that the dog has imprinted on its owner. As your bond with your dog grows stronger, they begin to pick up on your body language and personality traits. If you’re an overly anxious person, your pup may start exhibiting similar anxious behaviors, and the same goes if you’re a bubbly person, and so on.
5. They are happier and more relaxed around you.
Does your dog’s face light up when you walk into the room, or do they seem calmer around you? When we’re around someone familiar, who we care for deeply, we feel happy and content.
The same goes for when your dog imprints on you. You become a safe space for them to be themselves because they know you’ll love them as they are. And as their favorite human, you simply light up their world!
Check out our article on How To Make Your Dog Happy for more insights on maintaining a happy bond with your dog.
6. They always listen to you more than others.
This is typical if you live alone or if you’re the only one who trains your dog. But if your family members also participate in the training, and your dog still listens to your command more than others, it shows you’re your dog’s favorite person. They’re more familiar with your voice, tones, and expressions.
7. They’re in tune with your emotions.
What makes dogs amazing is how they use their senses to tell how we’re feeling. A dog that’s imprinted on you can easily sense your emotions. They’ll pick up on cues like when you’re upset, happy, fearful, or just crave their attention.
Most dogs may even go the extra mile to try and cheer you up. So, don’t be shocked the next time your dog curls up on your lap when you’re sad or even brings you a box of tissues when your dog sees you cry. (Just kidding.)
8. They become protective
We all protect what we love, but this is more so true for your dog, especially if they imprint on you. Because you mean the world to them, they would gladly go to war and put themselves in between you and the line of fire to keep you safe.
Just watch out for signs of aggressive, over-protective behaviors, like growling and barking at anyone or anything that comes close to you.
9. Laying in your laundry
Once your dog imprints on you, your scent becomes one of the most recognizable smells for your dog. So, don’t be surprised to come home to your dog lying in your laundry. They just want to be covered in their favorite familiar scent, to feel like you’re close. It’s a sure sign your dog loves you.
More Useful Insights on Dogs Imprinting You Should Know…
It’s more than just bonding.
Dogs bond with anyone who spends enough quality time with them. But especially as a first-time dog parent, what does dog imprinting really mean?
Imprinting is a sensitive period where dogs learn about themselves, their surroundings, and the people responsible for their care and survival.
It’s a true testament of trust and love for you, not just as their primary caregiver, but as someone they feel most loved by and safest around. This strong attachment and deep connection helps your dog comfortably explore the world around them by trusting you to take the lead.
Dogs can imprint on other animals or objects, too.
That’s right! Humans aren’t the only ones dogs can form strong bonds with. If you have other dogs or animals at home, there’s a likelihood your dog will imprint on them rather than you.

You may even notice that your dog has a strong attachment to a blanket or toy. Dogs choose who or what to imprint on based on the strong bond and deep connection they feel towards that object, person, or animal.
But can dogs imprint on more than one person or thing?
Although dogs can love and have healthy, positive relationships with multiple people in the house, they typically imprint on one person at a time.
So, if your dog imprints on you, then you are the “Chosen One.”
You’re the one they’ll follow around and listen to most. As their trusted guide, they’ll also constantly seek out your guidance in particular.
Older dogs can imprint on you, too.
Dogs are altricial species whose senses aren’t fully developed at birth. So, unlike precocial animals like birds, dogs' impressionable periods work differently. Ideally, the earlier stages of a dog’s life are when its brain is sensitive and primed for socialization and imprinting.
Dog imprinting typically occurs in 3 main stages:
1. The canine imprinting stage
This is where your pup first learns it’s actually a dog by observing its birth mother and littermates. This period starts when your pup is about 3 weeks old and up to at least 7 weeks old.
According to Dr. Valli Parthasarathy, a board-certified veterinary behaviorist, this is the period when your little fur baby forms its intra-dog relationships. It learns dog-to-dog skills such as canine social calling signals.
2. The human imprinting stage
This stage starts when the pup is about 7 weeks old and ends when it is 10 or 12 weeks old. These are highly sensitive and social periods during which your pup learns how to adjust and interact with everyone and everything else in its immediate environment.
3. The fear imprinting stage
At around 8 to 10 weeks and/or 6 to 14 months, some pups may start developing intense fear and anxiety over even the smallest things. This tends to happen if your dog has experienced a traumatic event or a change of environment.
Such a dog struggles to form deep attachments. So, it’s important at this stage to keep their environment positive at all times. Also, take more time to bond closely with them as their primary caretaker so they feel more secure.
However, you should keep in mind that the length of time a dog generally takes to imprint on you varies based on the dog breed and the individual dog. Dr. Valli also states that even dogs that are well past their initial rapid learning phase can still have an everlasting impression on them. But it may take longer, so you need to practice some patience.
The Line Between Imprinting and Separation Anxiety
Imprinting is a beautiful bond any dog parent would want to share with their paw baby. But there is a very thin line between this awesome bond and over-attachment. Unfortunately, the early signs of your dog being overly attached to you overlap with some of the imprinting signs we’ve just discussed.
For example, your dog following you everywhere like a shadow, while at times endearing, could also be a sign of over-attachment. While a securely imprinted pup may enjoy your company and seek it often, they don’t associate your absence with anything negative. And even though they share a special bond with you, they have no problem bonding with others around them.
But an overly attached pooch may get overly distressed when they’re not near you, even for a second. They may also exhibit aggressive behavior as a result. The anxiety of being separated from you stems from the fact that you may be your dog’s only secure attachment figure.
To avoid this, try to encourage your dog to socialize with other dogs, animals, or people. You can also slowly train them to get used to your absence for extended periods so they stop associating it as a negative thing.
Give it Time.
Does your dog exhibit more than one or all of the signs we’ve mentioned? Congratulations! Your dog has successfully imprinted on you. But if your dog isn’t as obsessed with you just yet, don’t sweat it.
Bonding takes time. Your dog might just need a little more TLC to realize how much you love them. Spend more quality time with them and surround them with as much love and comfort as possible. And of course! Nothing says “You’re my person” better than a matching set for you and your doggo.
Take your bonding to the next level! Check out Spark Paws' high-quality and affordable collection. Find the perfect match for both of you - because every dog deserves a little extra love (and maybe a matching raincoat)!